Ask yourself this : Who am I if not a collection of my memories? Every experience of life, be it good or bad is coded & stored deep within your Neurology as memories.
All memories, past present & future are stored on what we call the
“Time-Line”. By using the techniques of Time-Line Therapy all Negative Emotions (such as anger fear sadness & guilt ) as well
as Limiting Decisions ( such as saying “I can’t make enough money” or “I’ll never be able to do that”) are liberated from memories of
past events.
We are all programmed over the first 7 years of life. Many “blocks”
we have in our Neural Network are totally out of our Conscious awareness & will create our present day situation as well as our
state of mind & future outcomes.
The result of of releasing all negative emotions beliefs & blocks
is fast & life changing. It is now known that all negative emotions block the Neurological system in our bodies, hence disabling the healing process. To achieve healing, peace & harmony it is
important to let go of these “blocks” otherwise known as “black bags” in Time-Line Therapy. Our Neural Network is made up of trillions of cells joined by a connection called the Synaptic Gap. Imagine a
giant tree with trillions of miniscule lights all connected by an almost invisible wire. If there is a block in the wire, none of the lights
would work ! We must make sure that our “tree” (us) is full of
beautiful shining lights & that all our connections (neural network)
are functioning at full capacity. Then & only then will we begin to
feel the joy & healing of Time-Line Therapy. The process is fast & painless (often a release of emotions). Most of UME’s clients have between 3- 6 sessions (sometimes less) followed by yearly visits
if the client feels the need.
*Please see the testimonials*